Saturday, January 23, 2016

ARCHIVE POST: Waldo's Hawaiian Holiday!

*The following is a repost from my old blog: Sketches of Skye.

I have just completed the following pinup for the forthcoming book from Gestalt comics. Theres also a Waldo site to look at some pages and recently, the cool as hell Chris Wahl even completed a piece for the book (damn him... so much better than mine - the guy is an absolute genius). 
Speaking of geniuses, The guys who put the book together are damned cool in my book man. Alex Cox, Bones and Randall are all some damned talented mofo's. Inspiring to say the least. I hope to work with these guys more in the future...

Here's (Update - Offline) the Waldo promo video that is available for the site... Its nice, but not as nice as the book is going to be (from all the coolness I have seen. AWESOME is all I can say. Great to be involved).

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