*The following is a repost from my old blog: Sketches of Skye
Because I sit in front of a screen for days on end, I need something to keep me going. While I draw, I watch stuff. Movies, Dramas, YouTube, Ted Talks, Podcasts... My (wacom) pen almost never stops while something is playing (there are exceptions). This is what my screen looks like when i'm playing something;
Small box in the corner. Nothing more. I have now gotten to the stage where I don't watch anything and not be working (it's a waste of valuable time right?). Another thing I do is, when saving a file, instead of sitting and waiting for bar to finish crawling across the screen, I pick up a pencil/ pen and scribble something from the screen.
The actual job? That blue art I am working on? It is an 8 page comic for the Hepatitis C Council of New South Wales (Australia) and the comic is this;
Guess what the topic of the comic is? It's nice to be working on this kind of stuff. Knowing that these comics are being put out there to help people. I'd like more work like this.